Simple Steps To Improve Your Health and  Learn About Your Body.

The best foods for maintaining a healthy  lifestyle.  

Food guide pyramid

The Food Guide Pyramid shows the types and serving sizes for the foods we should eat every day to stay healthy. Foods group show how important they are to our health. Eat more of the foods at the base than foods at the top.

For example, grains, fruits, and vegetable groups are at the pyramid's base. Meat, dairy, and fat groups are toward the top. All groups are essential, and the plant foods are at the bottom so that we remember to eat more of those and less of the animal products.


Exercising gives you a boost of energy and decreases blood pressure and heart rate. Enhance mood, reduce stress, boost your life, and sleep better.  Improve your memory and brain function.

  1. Protect against many chronic diseases.
  2. Assist in weight management.
  3. Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
  4. Increase life span.
  5. Exercise at a moderate intensity 3 to 5 times a week.

People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being and makes them feel more energetic throughout the day. 


Eating healthy is a great start to living a healthy and longevity lifestyle, but learning to cook healthy is really the secret to maintaining healthy living long term. Cooking helps with healthful eating because it gives you complete control over what goes into your body. 

Understanding how to cook will also allow you to eat the foods you want to eat. After all, everyone has their preferences, and cooking lets you tailor each dish to your specific needs.

Maximize Flavors

Elevate any meal with a few  flavoring tips.

Knowing more about the ingredients you cook with will take you one step closer to cooking

like a professional chef at home in your kitchen.


Learn how to cook and store a wide variety of grains in your food pantry. It's essential to get your daily iron, fiber, and protein!


Spice up your life by learning all you need to know about popular blends and cuisine-specific seasonings. Use natural herbs and spices.


Healthy oils to cook with and eat is olive oil, as long as it's extra virgin. It's  not refined  and therefore of high quality.